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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. I only saw 2 trailers with tire problems today in Tenn. Ok one was definitely operator error it was way overloaded. Ok the hubs were bent to where the tires looked like they had blown out from rubbing the fenders about 45 deg. Didn't have enough info on the 5th wheel to make a guess. I have looked/payed more attention to trailers after reading more on tire problems. I am surprised they last as long as they do. Lots of trailers bouncing and swaying back and forth some rather violently. Bill
  2. Nice town, I was there last year. We stayed up at the Homerville KOA. They have several authentic Amish restaurants, well actually most of the town features Amish businesses. So inquiring minds want to know. Why Millersburg? Bill
  3. Didn't you have yours done at one of the big rallies not long ago? You were talking about how much better it ran. Bill
  4. Heck, I had a small panel on the top of my roof AC on my 03 Bounder. It disappeared and I don't know how big of output it was supposed to have. It was a common thing. Bill
  5. Did you see the post I did about converting to 19.5 rims? Bill
  6. Where are you ultamatley headed? Are you going to go to the Grand Canyon? Bill
  7. I upgraded to "J hook" adapters so I can run most anywiper. Carl, Check and see what your original equipment length was. I had real long 32" blades but REV group said I should have 26". I still run the longer blades to clear more area. Bill
  8. Have you super C lovers looked at the new Newmar 2020 Super Star Super C? https://www.newmarcorp.com/super-c-reveal/?utm_campaign=brand&utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&gclid=Cj0KCQjwl6LoBRDqARIsABllMSZ41bkbhX04y2lkxqC2wt7j_vnyc5AxoQVd1Jn6UpzEjDXYywQ-wXQaAgVzEALw_wcB Bill
  9. Wayne, where are you wanting to go? I am thinking if you adjust your stops you can just drive through the "no open spot/reservation" area. Have you tried Williams area? Bill
  10. Welcome to the forum. Did they charge after you replaced them? Bill
  11. Well I re read what carl said and I believe you are trying to manipulate what he said to justify your point of view. Yes, people can rationalize anything. Maybe I am wrong, there is no reason to have a towed if you just go to a place and sit there. It is probably not needed if you only go someplace once or twice a year for the weekend. That is fine if that is all you want to do and experience. I don't want someone who is trying to decide about a toad not have a full understanding of the pros and cons. The way I travel is to park my mobile condo someplace and go explore with the toad. On this short trip I have been in at least 15 states so far. I look at parking at all the locations just because of threads like this. I can tell you moste don't have accommodations for a RV class C or outher. One of the few was the Henry Ford wich has parking for RVs but what I Saw was quite a hike from the entrance. Where I was exploring yesterday and today in New Port I had a hard time getting around in my CR-V and parking was hard to find. So I am tired of hearing about "how easy it is to get around without a toad". And yes I have had a class C without a towd and made a trip to California. Bill
  12. You guys must do a whole different type of travel than we do. I still maintain you give up 80-85% of the things you can see and do if you don't have a toad. You also give up the spontaneity of being able to just get in the toad and go. The outher storey about "I can go anywhere and park my class C on the street" Well no there are many places especially in the North East you cant fit. Case in point I was in Newport, Rhode Island for the last couple of days and there are many places My CR-V was a tight fit. rpburton100, Welcome to the forum. Where are you traveling? Not jumping on you but re stating my position. Bill
  13. spstew0952, Welcome to the FMCA forums. Bill
  14. I am going to change my differential to Mobil Delvac 75w90 Synthetic Gear Oil. I am currently running Royal purple 75W90 in the front hubs. Mainly because I couldn't find the Mobile at the time. Herman, what I have found it it takes a long time for the oil to settle into the berrings. I drained and refilled my front hubs. Then did it the next annuel to be shure I had all old oil and contaminants out. I had the front wheels up where I could rotate them. Do you have the little rubber plug for the vent hole? Bill
  15. When you take it in would be a good time to ask them. You could read and memorise all the documentation that came with your coach. But seriously every maker does things differently and you may have options on how they work. Without any other information, having the air bags leak down fairly fast (unless they are supposed to) should be checked out. Bill
  16. dspalding1, Welcome to the forum. Yes using Simple Green Extreme is the preferred way. I have found driving through 10" per hour rain storms will do a amazing job of cleaning the CAC and radiator. The CR-V was covered in crud including the little chunks of oil/dirt from between/ in the radiator fins and CAC. If I had known I was going to run into that much rain I may have sprayed the CAC and radiator in advance. There was so much water spray coming through the radiator it looked like the car was in a wind tunnel. Other than that a annuel (minimum) cleaning and learning how to manually downshift will keep your coach running cool. Bill
  17. What exactly is a Dutch Aire refrigerator upgrade? Bill
  18. Welcome to the forum. Yes Why not? Yes that or run the generator. How big is the generator? The automatic transfer switch has nothing to do with charging the batteries. All it does is save you from manually selecting the power source. I had a 78 Executive, if you wanted shore power you plug the cord into the shore pedestal outlet. If you wanted power from the generator you manually plug the cord into the generator. Yes you will need the ability to charge your batteries from shore power and the generator. Bill
  19. 11/01/2012, Ok my certification may have lapsed by now.
  20. Just wondering who said that? Before I retired I had to get re certified in solder/soldering. I don't remember the technical term for the classification but it was a aircraft through space craft classification. Nearly everything was tined.
  21. Was the water on when you did this? Bill
  22. Does it have an exhaust brake? It might not be opening all the way. Bill
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