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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. The only thing wrong would be not posting. Welcome to the forum. To add to what Ross said if you tell the parkers they may be able to put you where you had a easy out. Bill
  2. It wasn't that long ago I remember Muslim women being outraged because banks wanted them to take off their face coverings so they could be identified. Bill
  3. Yes , Carl I have. But saying that you use them and don't forget is different than saying " Having a photographic memory, my road map, underpass heights, etc is in my mind, in color! 😂". I agree with Joe, especially since the grate adventure of getting routed over the GW bridge when trying to go up to the Tappan Z. Bill
  4. Just wondering how you do that if you have never seen or been in a area before? Bill
  5. Well lets start with where exactly are you leaving from? Where do you want to go first? I-20 and I-10 tend to run parallel East/West. I-10 runes into Jacksonville Fla. and I-20 ends at I-95 on the west side of Florence South Carolina. I miss spoke I-10 and I-20 do come together in West Texas.https://www.google.com/maps/@31.0873459,-104.0555319,3a,60y,57.5h,85.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEMDSS830EGlXKHJqid5ypw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en Let me know Bill
  6. We prefer camp grounds, and my wife likes to have a reservation so we arn't driving around/calling around trying to find some place. Makes it one less stressful thing to do. "Because 3pm is a little early to pull over?" You say that now but how maney full days have you driven the RV? In bad/rainy wet weather? With a strong cross wind? It will probably be more like 5:00 when you add in the rest stops( I stop at least every 2 hours to stretchy and walk around ) and lunch stops. I use 50 miles an hour as a guide it comes out realey close. It will depend on where you are stopping. I never like looking for my spot in the dark. That and setting up in the dark. Bill
  7. Why? 50 years ago maybe but with todays teck I can get instant weather reports. My best practice is to drop a pin in google maps where I am. That way I can tell where the storms are tracking in relation to my location. I realey like to know when the reporter says the tornado is on the ground headed NE toward Spivey's Corner where that is in relation to me. Bill
  8. Like the others have said sometimes it is what it is. Your major advantage is when you are stopped in traffic you can still just drop it in park and go back and use the bathroom and grab a cold drink when headed back up front. Think about the outher people stuck in their cars. Bill
  9. No you are thinking Loctite, this does the opposite. It makes shure that you can take it apart later. Works good for hi heat applications. https://www.permatex.com/products/lubricants/specialty-lubricants-anti-seize/permatex-anti-seize-lubricant-2/ Bill
  10. One thing I would recommend is putting a little "antisize" on the threads when re installing the plug. Bill
  11. That is the whole problem. I could see it/acess it on my 7500QD but on my 10,000QD you have to take the shroud off to get to it. Doesn't matter if it is gas or diesel you must have a spark arrestor so that the unit can be operated legally at U.S. Forest Service sites and I think in National Parks. Bill
  12. First welcome to the forum. You said "We both just retired" Ok sit down and repeat after me. I don't have to be in a hurry to get any ware and git back by a certain time. You no longer need to travel in "vacation mode" You are RETIRED. You are not limited to one trip a year. So you are waiting till May to start, ok. Make a list of things you definitely want to see. You will need to prioritize things based on what rout you are taking. jleamont, Has made a couple exultant recommendations. I will say if you are going to the Grand Canyon I highly recommend trying to get a spot reserved in Trailer Village NOW. It just makes the stay there much better. The bus service will pick you up at the RV park and take you places you can't drive. By the way Williams and the Canyon are off I-40. Let me know what route and what you want to see. Bill
  13. Eric, great job on replacing the slide topper. Ray, good luck and have a quick recovery. Bill
  14. Welcome to the forum and thanks for the information. What RV are you mounting it on? Bill
  15. Yes it will. By the way welcome to the forum. You can do a couple of things like run a charge line to keep the battery up or start the car when you stop for a break or lunch. That is what I do with my CR-V. I haven't had a problem with the battery going dead if I do start and run it. The auxiliary brake system also puts a drain on the battery. Bill
  16. Yes you can use a external charger. I would get one with a fairly robust capacity. Bill
  17. Welcome to the forum. If you add your coach to your signature it will help you get better answers. I found this article and will be looking into it my self. as my new coach has that generator. I may be adding a acess door in the future. https://familyrvingmag.com/2017/02/01/servicing-an-onan-diesel-generator/ Bill
  18. Keith & Cynthia Middleton, Welcome to the forum. It is always fun to make it "your coach". Have fun in Perry and do go by and wake Herman up for me. Bill
  19. Tony, welcome to the forum. I don't have any good info on that part but some of the others may be along that do. Bill
  20. Just got home tonight haven't had much time to surf the web. We did the AIM rally at Cajun Palms LA. http://www.cajunpalms.com/ It was interesting. One thing we got to do was a tour of the Martin Accordion factory. Amazing family business. http://martinaccordions.com/index.html Bill
  21. Nice looking Coach. Welcome to the forum. Bill
  22. I would call some of the RV parks near there and see what they offer. You could just get a spot for the time you are gone. Would give you power while you are gone. Bill
  23. I would take it to Texas. Bill
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