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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Good thing, I'm not running for office. I have said this before, I'm not a PC person. But, would it be difficult (for the benefit of all) to get a heads up, before the plug is pulled? Carl
  2. Doc Mike. Feel free to chime in anytime! Enjoy the cooler weather next week and the beautiful Fall Colors! Carl
  3. Herman, that would be a very big conference call... Wayne, you where lucky, I could not even get on main page FMCA! Error 404 Site could not be found...I felt like a step child. Carl
  4. A typical example of a new computer system and programs....it's only as good as the information it receives! Apparently, someone in FMCA did not enter the correct information, I see no other explanation coming for why the whole system was down since 1:57 pm Sunday until now! Or did they ( IT) forget to plug it in? Also, getting any kind off info on why I could not even sign in (Error: 404), over the phone yesterday, was to me appalling! Why all the secrecy ? Carl
  5. Pacifica is about 20 min from SF and has some nice parks, don't have info on hand about which one, just Google, same with the Big Sur area and Monterey.
  6. Home Depot or Lowes may have some that will fit...unless you want what came with coach.
  7. BillA. Makes good sense and it's a logical move by Dish, they do evolve, based on the majority of their users and tech available. That is for land based, not mobile. We are but a drop in the bucket. Well written and explained! For satellite, I prefer DIRECTV ....only have it at home. In coach, I use bat wing (my little, like a plunger of a ball point pen, button is under my raise/lower, etc. panel) or cable hook up at campground. bigjim1. 15+ years in FMCA is not a Newbie, but we all have been so, on the Forum! I was a "newbie" 3 years ago, yet I had over 40 years with FMCA on-off-on! My first # was F 6xx8 now it's F 342xx3...I don' care! I do care that I have learned a lot since I have been on forum, met forum members and still learning! That to me is the bottom line.. Carl
  8. David. I had a problem with mine...I had over extended the gen slide...got a person to wiggle it back and fourth while I pushed the retract/extend switch..It came in. Same happened on step well cover. I don't take either to it's full extension anymore and have had no repeat. If that don't work, do as Herman suggested. As for your jacks, have you re-checked your fluid level ? As WBill suggested in case you had air bubbles in system! If you can, measure the area of exposed cylinder of jack, it should be 4" in up position...it's possible that they have gone up beyond your stops! Let me know, I have 51 pages of jack info! Carl
  9. Joe, I had to get, I think it was B-15, last year. Put in 30 gal and drove to next big town, 100+ miles and got another 90 gal of pure dino. about an hour later, I got a surge of power and the coach ran smoother. BillA. We have flying cars, not many yet, due to cost and they are in Europe, not approved by FAA and other regulatory body's in the US. All one has too do is open ones mind and think of what we have accomplished and still expand on that, into other applications in the past 100 years! It is amazing. Quantum was theoretical until the 80's, then it became reality...all we know about space, time and the universe as a whole, is changing daily now as we no longer have to take baby steps! Sorry, my thought's ran. Carl
  10. manholt


    My 07' Tour 40' KD, had also a solar plate that charged the engine batteries (2) while parked. Never could figure out if it worked or was by passed when traveling. All I discovered was that the chassis was an 05' and coach was built in 06'...my relays was under step and my HWH motherboard was under step as well...crowded! Carl
  11. Gorm50. I can assure you, I have not had any problems getting 95-100% Diesel in my home State of Texas! My last fill up was in Oklahoma yesterday, 80 gal. of 100%! I have found in the last 4 years, Country wide, that Pilot, FJ and Loves have 15-20% BIO and that is another reason why I avoid them...the other reason has to be the high fuel prices! I know, you can get 8cents to 10cents off, but that is a small consolation for buying at a truck stop a mile up the road for 20 to 30 cents per gal cheaper and pure diesel...have only once had a problem with water in fuel...from Pilot in Mobile, Alabama! I have the luxury off a 150 gal tank, so I can pick and chose. Carl
  12. Herman. I could make it in 4, but I'll pass. Mine is not super bright, but as a cop told me, with my coach lights, I'm good enough...that was in Acton, Ohio 5 years ago, as a woman was trying to explain to the cop why she didn't see me...she was standing there with the phone between her chin and shoulder, apparently forgotten, as she also swore up and down that she was not on the phone! Damage to my Jeep, I needed a new tail gate, her Toyota's engine was attached to ball hitch! Her insurance was real nice, I got a brand new Jeep! When I called USAA to give them the new VIN#, they asked if I wanted to drop the "old" one...then I told them what had happened. The "old" one is here in Gladewater, been converted to a wild pig hunter...1, train head lamp and 2, fixed, AR-15's...been 2 years since we have seen, heard or read sign of pig!
  13. Herman, took you long enough! I know, you've been busy... Carl
  14. BillA. By the time your Grand kids grow up, there will not be any need for oil or BIO! RV's, trucks of any kind, cars, planes, ships and trains, as we know it today will probably not exist...it will likely be driven by a computerized robot or chip, using Solar, Wind and +/- magnetics. That technology is already coming or is here now. All BIO is to me, in my humble opinion, is a "desperation by environmentalists" to continue making a living! There will be some left in the future that will be, anti computers or chips, or robotics, or Solar, Wind and every dang thing that might take $$$ out of their hands! Sorry, some of them are good, most are not and I have met my fair share when I was working as a Petroleum Engineer Consultant in Exploration World wide that had absolutely no clue about oil, drilling or production, but they sure sounded good on CNN ! Joe. Good Point. Carl
  15. Have not made up my mind yet about Arizona in March...last time I went there in March, I had a dust storm that shut down I-10 between Las Cruces and Lordsburg for 18 hours, we had just gotten off Freeway in Deming, NM and into RV park because we could not see trucks next to us! Next day, we had rain, hail, light snow and a full blown blizzard, between Texas Canyon and Benson, then black ice in Tucson! Not sure if I want to take a chance again!!! Unfortunately for you, I'm a N/D for SWG INTO. Don't know if that would work? Who are you running against if anyone? Also, WHY? Carl
  16. David, sorry you could not make lunch with us...a face and personality, to go with the "blank" image on the forum, makes it more enjoyable. Also hope to see you again. Travel safe. Carl
  17. My best friend, Carl Hill Jr. is a retired chemical engineer, he was hired by University of Houston as a consultant to work with Chevron, Shell, Exxon and BP, to come up with a economical way to make BIO out of Hydrangea and other organic plants and incorporate same into a dino mix. The project was abandoned about 4 years ago, after spending untold millions, not because they failed, but it would cost the consumer around $12-15 per gal. at the pump! Over time, B-15 and above will destroy, fuel lines and seals. Tom Butler, posted an in depth study on BIO Diesel and it's affect on engines in 2014 on this forum. About 10 years ago, Spain was successful in producing B-100 economically, however, the report stated that it ate everything, non metal in the engines. Car, truck, etc. There is also the matter of lubrication, you don't get that from BIO...all you really obtain is stretching out our known oil reserve, at the cost of increased prices, at all levels from fuel to food. In regards to Mr. Nelson's coach, you can only grow so much corn, so the choice is...do you want to drive it or eat it? Either way, it's not economical. Carl
  18. tcalzone. Welcome back and thank you for posting an up date...really appreciated, as we don't get many! Carl
  19. In the last 48 hours, I have found a lot of coaches with the ISM 500...per Joe it's near indestructible, as long as it is regularly serviced. The other coach I'm looking at, has the Cat 625 C 15. Not messing with any ISX, even now Volvo has big problems with them...that's what they run in Prevost now since there is a partnership between Volvo Engine and Cummins!
  20. I think our OP is in the Dallas, TX. area. I don't know if they can cross ref. numbers for a seal and then ship? Never have asked. Carl
  21. iPhone. Good idea, bad idea. You passed, that's all that matters! Carl
  22. jmkidwill. Welcome to the forum! I would suggest you send a PM( personal message) to Herman Mullins, he seems to know about every good repair facility with in 100 miles of Dallas. Carl
  23. Yea, and just found out that the 500 is an ISM, not ISX.
  24. Thank you...that did not give me a warm fuzzy feeling...02'-06' bad EGR and not good on Turbo. The only thing it did not answer, is what effect it has on MH application, since we don't put on 500K-1 million miles on our coaches. Got to do more research in ref. to 500hp and 525hp pre 06' engines. Carl
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