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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Kurt. Some coaches have a designated battery...mine does! If mine is low, I can use the coach aux starter, that is all (8) house batteries...same if engine batteries (2) are low! Are your batteries Acid or AGM's? How old? Carl
  2. Check ground to generator battery. Check circuit breaker on inverter/converter, CB for generator...see if you can started by the switch on generator itself. Carl
  3. Blake. Like me, I have tried them all and prefer the M&G. pjfromny. Welcome to the Forum! Is your 4x4 a diesel or gas? Check your receiver on coach and make sure it's rated for 10,000 pounds, I don't remember what the tow capacity for your coach is, but your potential toad is over 5,000! Carl
  4. That's my first thought...In the past 6 or 8 years, chassis manufacturers have been working mostly with Cummins in RV's not mac or DD so much. Your also, talking a very large amount of money for the owner, should it turn out that the leaking gasket was the real cause of the blown turbo! So, towing it to Cat, is a much better option! Carl
  5. Frank, as a note. Newell went from a C13 to a C15 in 2006! Carl
  6. Frank. That's quite a list. You might want to look at Prevost & Stuff.com and click on the Other Luxury Coaches tab. You asked, why is Newell so costly? Same reason as Prevost, Foretravel and CC (in it's day), they build their own chassis! I forgot, check out MCI also... Prevost chassis is used by: Marathon, CC, Featherlight, Millennium, Outlaw, Liberty and Emerald...there are others also, that do custom coaches! Cat dropped out of our market, when all the emission BS kicked in. Newell and Prevost used Cat, now they use Cummings ( Volvo owns Prevost now and has a working agreement with Cummings)!! Carl
  7. Wonderful, we have the double posting thing again! It always seem to happen on the weekend...wonder why? Jeep. I think it's a small bandage for a big problem, that will only go away, when the parent company is finished playing games with Dodge and Fiat. Carl
  8. I let my EGT get down below 200. When I camp for the night, I let it idle while I hook up, then check one more time before shutting off...especially in the south in Summer! As far as a Turbo melt down is concerned, your talking big bucks! Cost and labor vs new engine vs re built engine...is not a far stretch. A friend in San Antonio, TX. had to replace the Turbo in a Cummings 450 and it kissed $24K...Now if you include the CAC and manifold? Good Luck on that ! WBill. You'r stuck on nuts, aren't you?!
  9. The link takes you to Superior Couplings, in business since 1978. They do have the Remco catalog that you can download. I also, looked at Remco's web page and there is nothing there about a drive shaft disconnect. I suggest that the OP call or send a mail to Superior or the folks that Herman deals with...I would trust either one! Carl
  10. jbikesv. Welcome to the Forum. My concern is, what kind of coach do you have? Is the hitch rated for 10,000 pounds or more? Carl
  11. On Gasser and entry level, even mid level DP's, point made. But there are a lot of high end DP's out there, that don't care about cost...they will get 2x or more back! That's why I was concerned....
  12. Joe. Keep looking, their out there...Bird Connection. I think that's the chapter, coach for sale site. Erniee would know!
  13. Erniee. My bad ! Been a while, so I forget about the best "Cookie Cutter" made...the Bird/Wandelodge! Carl
  14. Frank, understood. The engine is a ISX, since 02' Cummings has had problems with it. Sometimes people report that there is no problem, others are not so lucky. Check Engines in Forum...we went thru this last month on my Post. I was looking at a Foretravel with the ISX and a Newell with the C15. I get 6.4 avg. on my current coach. Like you I travel vast distances every year (9,000+)! Have 2 good friends at the Rally here in Texas, 1 from NC and has a 2011 Itasca 45 foot that he says, has had no problems in the past 40,000+ miles! Another is from FL. and has had no problems with his 2015 Allegro Bus 45 foot. He came from Washington State to attend this Rally, via a side trip to Tiffin...His DW drove the coach all Summer, he was on his HD. We have a member on Forum that loves his Cornerstone, but he has had problems. If you got your mind made up to get another coach in the 45' range, I would recommend you look at Allegro Bus, Foretravel and Newmar! Carl
  15. I don't know what just happened! Joe, I have just one question: If a wrap is such a good idea, why does it not come that way in a DP? Certainly anything that would keep my bedroom floor cooler and engine compartment cooler, would be a good thing! Yeas? Carl
  16. Herman. Yep, but it would keep the bedroom cooler!
  17. Herman, I came to America land of the free, and free enterprise in 1953...I was 10 ! My hair was European cut, until I met the barber at Lackland, San Antonio, TX. and it was not a "Duck Tail" that I got ! Carl
  18. The above, in quote...is what I was told and that is what I wrote!
  19. The President of FMCA Swinging Golfers INTO, was turned away from having non-warranty work done on his 2015 Allegro Bus 45'. He was told that they only do Tiffin Warranty work. He said that's fine with him, he fully expected to pay cash for a "Tiffin add on"! It was an option in 15' and he decided he wanted it...he was told to leave. I spoke to him yesterday and again when I was playing golf...We are currently having a week rally in Tyler, TX. Carl
  20. OMG....No where to run! Nice fish! Bad, really Bad Day!!!!! Carl
  21. Tiffin is not taking any coaches in for Service in Red Bay, anymore! They are overwhelmed...you need to see your dealer or anyone who does Warranty work, or any other Allegro work on non warranty! Carl
  22. CarlA. Congratulation on your, new to you, coach! Is it a 40' or 45'? Engine? Hope you take a picture or three! On a New Coach. '15, '16 and '17, Bling sell's, " Common sense" died a long time ago, so did "more bang for the bucks" along with "after Service" and "Quality Control"! Between '07 and '10, 70% +/- off the RV Industry filed for Bankruptcy! Carl C.
  23. Herman. Yep, but it would keep the bedroom cooler!
  24. Duck tails? Is that the same as a mullet?
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