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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Joe, Is cost the only reason you declined?? Herman
  2. Bob Welcome to the Forum. Call Cincinnati and ask for Doug Uhlenbrock ask him if volunteers are still needed. And go from there. Herman
  3. Thanks Joe and Neil. Just need to top mine off for now. Might change to synthetic later on. Will need to learn how to flush out the gear lube and replace with synthetic. Herman
  4. I have called Parts Houses, Truck parts and service and REV Service in Alverado, TX. No one can answer my question so I am reaching out to the Masters. What kind of lubricant do I use in my Oil Bath Hubs? Gear Oil? If so what weight 70-90 or 70-140? Thanks Herman
  5. Carl, If you or a tech can do the work, I would replace the unit with a new blower. If it is that difficult to get to it, it would be better the have a new unit that will last then a repaired unit that will not last near as long. Herman
  6. keysbabe1, One thing you have that you need to keep close at hand is your keys. You have a Panic Button and when in doubt, hit the Panic Button, pick up the, as suggested, Taser then investigate. If no problem then you can turn off the Panic Alarm and resume what you were doing. It is a shame, that in this day and age we must be so concerned with the bad elements around us. Mam, be safe and keep on RVing. Herman
  7. Joe, Have you ever thought about winter storage for your coach in another location? Say Palm Beach? Herman
  8. Rich, I have none of what you just described but have a question that might help. In #2 "Hold the engine check switch down.". How long do you need to hold the switch after you turn the ignition key on? Herman
  9. Lawrence, Welcome to the Forum. I installed a Samsung RF18.It runs 24/7 on my Modified Sine Wave Inverter. Got it at Lowe's. My only problem was the ice maker wasn't plugged in from the factory. Got it plugged in and not only am I pleased but the DW is very Happy. It came through my front door. I stripped all doors and hindges. I then made a light weight frame the exact size of the unit. I was able to see that I could indeed bring it through the front door. I found that I had to remove the passenger seat and the TV. If you will PM me with a phone number I can call you if you need more help. Mission accomplished. Herman
  10. 1st mate, Welcome to the Forum. I have released the step by just unhooking the drive motor assembly. It is only a little bit easier then pulling the pin. But before dropping the motor try a long rod and see if you can straighting the cotter pin and hooking it to pull it out. If you can't get there then drop the motor. Herman
  11. Patron, Welcome to the Forum. Most folks will stay close the night before they are scheduled to arrive. This way they can dump and fill their water tanks. Also both sewer honey wagons and water trucks will be available. You may check at the information booth for details. Again welcome Herman
  12. WindsorE, The switch "Idle Inc/Dec" are to allow you to increase your idle speed for warm up. The other, for me "??". Herman
  13. dc, Hard wired with diodes is your best bet. No adding holes or extra bulbs. Just plug in and go. Oh wait, hook up to, then go. Herman
  14. vrich, Hope you were able to get your bay door open. If you doors do in fact have latches with plastic plungers please do not replace them with the same type. RB Machining make replacement latches with Aluminum plungers. Check them out, www.motorhomelatches.com 661-274-1966 or 661-269-3233. And while you are at it I would replace all you plastic plunger latches. Also keep all part of your bay doors latch components well lubricated. Herman
  15. Mthurma, See if they will put that in writing. Just to be on the safe side. Having a written document on the Dealers Letter Head, may not help but it sure can't hurt. Good luck, Herman
  16. Wildebill, Sorry you won't be in Perry I am sure folks would have liked to meet you. Thanks for the information on PPL. When I made my last post I was welcoming' rsbilledwards,' but hey welcome to you also. Herman
  17. Bill, It has been said to you before, but "Welcome Aboard Shipmate" Might you be coming to Perry? We are having a first ever "Meet and Great the Forum". Looking forward to meeting many 'Internet Friends' in person. Herman
  18. j, Which chairs are you asking about? Drivers and Passengers or living area? Schoolhouse, You might contact Flex Steel. They are used in many of the Beavers. www.flexsteel.com Herman
  19. Thanks Tom and Louise, Have missed you'll at the Rallies. FYI we are going to be in Concan, jus a bit North of Uvalde, the 18th to 21st. Would love for you'll to come. This year will mark 79, the day after Easter, and still going strong. Hope I can keep going when I and as old as Carl. (Oh!I forgot I'm older then him) Are you'll coming to Perry? Herman
  20. When we moved to the country we got a large PO box, even though we have a mail box. We get very little mail there. Whe we are going to be gone for an extended period of time we just put hold till return on our mail. On line and auto pay works for us. Herman
  21. 10-4 Jeff, if you get thirsty there just holler. Herman
  22. FYI in 2007 at age 71 years old I got a 20 year loan on a depreciating asset. Go figure. Herman
  23. Checking the TP made me think. When a coach is parked for an extended period of time shouldn't you monitor the TP often? Will sitting on tires with low pressure be harmful to the side walls? Herman
  24. Joe, As you stated RV Glass Solutions is a great company to work with. You may go to their web site and get a quote on a replacement windshield or window. They can and will carry your windshield or window to Perry or even West Springfield and do the work there. If your replacement is covered by insurance all you have to do is contact them, give them your insurance information [you should contact your company first] and they will work with your company. In most cases they will have information the same day. www.RVGlasssolutions.com or www.RVGlassexperts.com 888-777-6778 As for the company Carl mentioned, that would be RV Fog Dr. in Searcy, Arkansas. They only work in Searcy but folks come from near and far to have their windows repaired or replaced. www.rvfogdr.com or 501-278-3015. I am having a window repaired in April when at Charlie Adcock's. RV Glass Solutions and RV Fog Dr. both very good companies and easy to work with. Herman
  25. Now FIVE, by staying at Super 8's may be the reason he can afford a Prevost. Herman
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