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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. It is their main store and a couple other stores including the outlet store. The main store is open 24/7/365 any time you walk through the door there will be some one asking how they can help. Bill
  2. I was in Main last summer at Blueberry Pond Campground out behind Freeport. It was cool enough I was glad to visit LL Bean's and pick up some warmer clothes. Bill
  3. I am sending you some cooler weather in a day or so. Bill
  4. If you have any questions I would ask "The Governor of the Valley" TBUTLER. Bill
  5. Now I am starting to see all the fun I am missing. I am awfully glad MH of T sold that old Newell of Rusty Wallace's But it was older and might not have all the bells and back up horns. I could still keep it plugged in 6 hr. a day. But I would need to add a timer as I have 50A at the ranch. I wish the op would come back and talk to us about his new coach. Bill
  6. I would try calling Winnebago and see if they can tell you. I would have my serial number handy. Bill
  7. Last spring we were headed to Chandler AZ. The winds in west Texas were blowing fairly hard but not enough to slow me down. I didn't think they were all that bad till we came out from under a overpass and the small "C" ahead of me changed lanes from the wind. It just buffeted us a little but not bad. That is some thing to note overpasses can create a venture effect with the wind. This will make it dangerous for a small Vehicle. Bill
  8. You Newmar guys and your toys. I thought it might be something but with all the new stuff on the forum I wasn't shure. Bill
  9. Carl, be carful and don't get into any wagers those Cajun's are looking for you. Bill
  10. Welcome to the forum. Why do you only have power for 6h/d? I assume that's 6hours a day. Help us out hear please put your coach and info in your signature. See Brett's as a example. With out more info I can't do anything but guess. I would like to say 6 hours would be enough to keep the battery's up if they were up to start with. Have you checked to see if your charger is working with the inverter off? Have you checked to see f your battery's are getting a charge when turned off? Let us know By the way what is a 2015 DS? Bill
  11. I riley don't see any big decrease in mileage. Well to be truthful I have never ben on a trip with out a toad with this coach. I don't see it getting much better mileage than what I am getting now. I won't start a mileage thread so I won't say what it is. But I am happy with it. One other point the toad gets 30mpg and last trip I drove the toad over 8000 miles. That is not counting the in tow miles. Bill
  12. Well I like the portable ones like this. https://www.amazon.com/Surge-Guard-34850-Portable-Display/dp/B00T36QHUO/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1519006563&sr=8-4&keywords=surge+guard&dpID=41PYMGXdBxL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch The one thing that I like is the ability to check the power at a site with out moving in the RV. I have ben places where it took a couple of spots to get good power. I am glad I didn't have to move the coach just too see if the power was good. Bill
  13. Not hard but you need a good amount of lead time. The staffers take care of the details. Look at both your congressman's and senators website. Some show more than others. If you can only get one the Monument Tour's is the one. Bill
  14. Carl, I was 10 under on the front 9 till the beer cart came buy. See I do know golf lingo. I am glad Rockport is getting back in shape. I liked that area but it is not far above sea level. Bill
  15. That depends on what browser you are using. In Edge yes. Bill
  16. Hi Don, Unless you had a much bigger problem with your engine I think it was just a bad hose. Bill
  17. I don't know what brought this back to the surface. I agree with Kenon there are other places to stay but BUT I still like and recommend Chery Hill because of it's easy access to public transportation.They even have some one to teach you how to use the Metro and what train and what stops for what you want to see. One thing I didn't mention before about DC. If you contact your Congressman or Senators office there are VIP Tours you can apply for, such as The White House, The United States Capitol, The Bureau of Engraving and Printing + others. The one I liked the most was The Monument Tour through the Department of the Interior. This has to be requested by you congressman or Senator for you. The difference is, yes you can go to all of the monuments by yourself. Fight the crowds lots of walking the waiting in line. When we went on the tour we showed up at the correct door at the Department of Interior and there were 6 people going on the tour. We were issued 1 each government van and one each park ranger and we went on tour. Well at the Washington Monument there is no parking, no problem our ranger pules up on the sidewalk parks the van and said "Lets go". We get over to the elevator and there are about 50 people waiting in line. Our Ranger walked over and said to the ranger running the elevator "I have a VIP tour hear" The reply was "you are next" and that is the difference between doing a VIP tour and doing it on your own. We did all the major monuments in one long day with our own park ranger to answer questions and give narrative. Bill
  18. Welcome to the forum. Glad you were able to find the parts you needed. If you need parts like that or for the house part remember the people at Roadtrek bought it some ware. Bill
  19. Mustang Island State Park is way up the coast and wouldn't be a candidate for spending the winter. Well at least I don't think so. But I did spend October on the golf coast 3 years a go. Bill
  20. Try this, Call Texas Trails RV Resort, in Pharr (I would call now) and see if they have a spot. it is fairley centralized to the area and would make a good home base to check out the area. Texas Trails RV Resort, 501 W Owassa Rd, Pharr, TX 78577, texastrailsrv.com, (956) 782-7886 Bill
  21. No, my friend is not on the forum. He is older and hates computers. So I thought I would ask for him. Bill
  22. Weird it popped this out of the history of the editor but couldn't delete it all. Carl I am trying to receive the great wisdom of the wiener. What other little friend do I need.
  23. I would think the small AC unites some ware around 9,300 AC would put less strain/load on the system and use less electricity. Not like a big buss with 4 15,000 BTU units. Bill
  24. I have a friend looking at a B and he has some questions. When you are on the road do you try to stay at places that cater to B type coaches? Places with compact smaller spaces? Bill
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