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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Isn't it great that they have these factory installed tool holders on trucks. NO this was not staged. Bill
  2. On the outher side of "smooth" we got to sample directly from the collector at the top of the still at Barton's. I liked the samples in the tasting room better. Bill
  3. Not familiar with that product but I bet there are some epoxy products that will work on that type of plastic. I don't know how much it would cost to have a shop do a hot air weld repair but they have guns on Amazon for around $100.00 + https://www.amazon.com/s?k=hot+air+plastic+welder&hvadid=77653062753171&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvqmt=e&tag=mh0b-20&ref=pd_sl_7y3qv1xc3o_e I would look at you tub and look for videos on how to do it. Then decide if it is something you want to try. Bill
  4. Something different. Had anyone heard about the sale of RVillage? https://www.rvnews.com/rvillage-founder-discusses-sale/ Bill
  5. I think that is the way I would go. Bill
  6. Nice, welcome to the forum. What are you going to pull it with? Bill
  7. You seem to be fixated on the carrier air v heat pumps as a heat source in cold weather. I will say again. You will never get any heat out of a heat pump if it is cold enough to freeze water pipes. I think it is strange your thermostat didn't automatically change to propane heat when it got to cold for heat pumps. My last coach a 2003 Bounder would do it. Hard to think a 2010 coach wouldn't do that. Bill
  8. First I would find the end of the cable and see if it is broken or just pulled out of the bracket. Who makes the slide mechanism? Call them about a replacement cable and/or get instructions on how to route it and you probably can find someone to make a new one. Bill
  9. Welcome to the forum. Help me understand. What happend to your 12 volt power in the coach? Both propane furnaces run on 12 volt power. Your house batteries should have provided power for at least a day to power the furnaces probably more, hopefully till power was restored. You will never get any heat out of a heat pump if it is cold enough to freeze water pipes. Bill
  10. The first thing is to know exactly how tall your RV is. Not what someone at a desk somewhere thinks it is. You need to measure as ready to travel. This includes if you have air suspension or air booster springs. When you are headed under that low bridge is not the time to wonder "how tall am I". Keep in mind how long you are may affect your clearance if the dip in the road is fairly abrupt. Bill
  11. Nice grill and welcome to the forum. I bought my wife a new cordless drill last week, I think she needs a new grill to. Bill
  12. What/which low pressure alarm? Bill
  13. So my scientific wild *** guess is it is the regulator going to the generator not giving it enough propane to stay running. Could be gummed up from non use. Bill
  14. I would check for leaks and possible bad regulator on thee system. Does your stove work? Other propane appliances? Bill
  15. gorgeguy, welcome to the forum. Bill
  16. Yes your slides were designed with cabinets. The OPs Afa wasn't. and the OP ibgboh hasn't responded back yet. My recommendation would be to take it to someone who has experiance modafiing RVs. I wanted to know where he was so we could recommend someone to look at it. Bill
  17. I am pretty shure it would take more than a month long stay in the area to see everything and visit all the wineries. Especially if you expanded the area out to include San Antonio. We did The Missions of San Antonio. https://www.nps.gov/saan/index.htm Verry interesting and the only World Heritage Site in Texas. We have done The LBJ ranch and birth place. and have stayed at Buckhorn Lake RV Resort, and The Vineyards near Fredericksburg. If you want to be closer to SA look at Admiralty RV Resort It is near Seaworld. Bill
  18. Welcome to the forum. Never had a Alfa but Like Carl said "I see no reason why not". Where are you located? Bill
  19. I don't anymore but when I posted that all the post were repeated. Glad it is fixed. Bill
  20. What's with all the double posting?? Bill
  21. Happy New Year Yes it does seem they lost some data. Ernie the rally dates are February 18-20-2021. I hope to be able to go. Bill
  22. Ernie, look hear, If I find any more I will let you know. What do you have in mind? https://www.irv2.com/rvclassifieds/ https://www.rvnetwork.com/forum/25-rvs-tows-and-toads-for-sale/ Bill
  23. Welcome to the forum. Glad they were able to fix the problem. Just so you know those aren't realey furnaces on the roof. Those are your heat pump/air conditioners. When they are producing heat inside they are realey working in reverse. They are cooling the outside and dumping the waste heat inside. They will only work down to about 40 deg. outside temp. On my last coach it would automatically switch to the propane furnaces for heat if the outside temps got to low. Bill
  24. That may not help because the pollen can drift for hundreds of miles. Also it isn't Ceder anymore it is covid that bothers you. Bill
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