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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Stayed at Santa Fe Skies about 10 years ago. Was a nice park. Easy to get into Santa Fe. Hope it is still a nice park. Herman
  2. Ben, I just responded to your question about Class "B" Chapters. Look to the dealer where you got your coach. Ask him to pass your name on to other class "B" owners. You may find several couple in the same position as you and your wife. You have a valid point about age. You have a chance to start a chapter of not only Class"B" coaches but one that caters a younger group no matter what they drive. Who knows one of these days you can pass on to another young couple how you helped start a chapter for young people. Remember this is the FAMILY Motor Coach Association. Good luck and let us all know how you do. Herman
  3. Ben, Here on the FMCA Web site, on the home page click on Chapters and go to "Northeast Area." There you will find all of the Chapter in the NE. Take a look at them and you might find a Class B Chapter and if not go and start one. Good Luck Herman
  4. hermanmullins

    GM 6.2 Diesel

    dd69, It could pull anything as long as it was attached to your wallet. Herman
  5. hermanmullins

    GM 6.2 Diesel

    Drill, All I can remember about the GM diesel were the problems they had when they first arrived on the market. A friend of mine was the service manager for a Oldsmobile dealer and had the engine replaced twice on his demo. I still don't have good feelings about those engines. Brett, I know that it hasn't been that far back that GM/Workhorse began to put the Allison Transmission in units. Was that about the same time they began to put them in their 3500 (1 Ton) trucks? Do you recall about what year that was? Herman
  6. Brett. Bring me up to date on the coolant. Is the Extended Life Coolest (ELC) good for three or more years? How often should I have it tested? I just had the system drained and flushed and the ELC put in. Plus I had every dang filter they could change, changed except the air. I'm not even close to moving from Yellow to Red. Now watch the next time I check the fluids it will be solid Red. Herman
  7. dd69, I reread the post and you are correct. Loss of all electrical sound like the 12 volt continuous solenoid. Now there is a place for a bad ground. Since the solenoid is activated by 12 volts to a ground through the solenoid it could be a bad ground there. If I remember right loss of ground or power will disconnect the solenoid. Herman
  8. AH, Ground connections. The ground connections on MHs remind me of the ole song, "The knee bones connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bones connected to the hip bone...." Neils problem does sound like the sensor. Since the sensor helps control the spark, under extreme conditions it may not read the changes needed and just shuts down. Then when it is shut off, the computer will adjust and go on from there. I would be very concerned about my safety if it shuts down on the hwy. That being said I would only drive in the right lane until I am sure the problem is fixed. Herman
  9. Rich, Mine were very rough. I did get the 3M kit Bill mentioned. Now I don't want him to get the Big Head, but the kit worked well. It did take almost the full kit for one head light but it did work. I have heard that there is a spray to coat the lights after polishing. I believe it comes from an auto paint company. Still working but am seeing good results. Herman
  10. Astmi, What are you asking about? Are you asking what the pressure is of the Hydraulic Fluid in the Brake system? That would depend on may factors. Light touch to slow down, normal or emergency stopping. Herman
  11. biz, That is OK at Chapter Rallies however not at Area or National Rallies. At Area and National Rallies a vendor pays for a booth to sell their wares. It would not be fair to them to have coaches selling items from the parking spots without paying a vendor fee. We have a Rally every couple of years at the Canton Civic Center, Canton, Texas home of First Monday Trades Day. At our Rally, not on First Monday, Member will have tables just as you said and sell only their extra or unwanted RV Items. (most of the time they end up giving it to someone, but they still dispose of the item). Try it at one of your Rallies. Herman
  12. On a vehicle with separate stop and turn signals you do not need a converter to connect to your coach. Properly wired your stop light will act as both turn and stop signal on the tow vehicle. Come see me and for a small consideration I will wire your tow vehicle. (Sorry that isn't a solicitation.) Herman
  13. Neil & Carol, Please understand that any time you park and your wheels are off the ground, front or back that is a bad thing. If a site is that bad it is best that you move to a better site. That being said if a site is that low either front or back it would be best to drive up on blocks and then place blocks under the jacks. If the site is that unlevel and you have to put your wheels on blocks your jacks are not going to reach the ground. Good luck and keep it on the level. Herman
  14. Even if your vehicle has seperate turn signal and stop lights you do not need special set ups. When wiring your vehicle you place the diode to the stop light wire. When you apply your brake your brake lights go on. When you use your turn signal the proper light (the stop light bulb) will flash. I have wired approximately 15 vehicle this way and they all work fine. At the front of the vehicle I have a flat 4 pin connecter and an harness from the coach that hooks to the vehicle. After I tow I just open the hood and place the connecter under the hood and go on my way.
  15. Well said, if you start with a chip on your shoulder your vision will be blurred from there on. It was good you just listened. Some folks might have said, Sorry your dog died, so how was the rest of your day? Herman
  16. Rich, I have to side with Bill. For over 20 years I was in charge of our Booth at our industry trade shows. 8 to 5 for 3 or 4 days is grueling. At all of FMCA's Rallies, both National and Area, there is something going on each night. It would be nice for there to be later hours one night but think of the Vendors. To be able to have the Vendors stay open later they would have to open later and one of the evenings entertainment would need to be canceled. I don't think anyone would want that to happen. Try as we may,, Herman
  17. If your old box is still where it was can the electrician connect it to your new box? That can be done with underground cable. Herman
  18. Do you have Aluminum Wheels? If so you can't rotate them to the same side. As Brett said if the tires a worn even don't rotate just pack the bearings. Herman
  19. Ed, If it hasn't been said before, Welcome to the Forum. There have been posting on this before. I was quoted $3,000.00 to $3,500.00 to remove mine. The reason stated was that they knew that paint would be damaged and the front cap would need to be repainted. What did Diamond quote you? I have been able to remove just a little bit with my finger nail. Really hard on the nail. i have been told that a Hair Dryer will help. Haven't tried that yet. Herman
  20. Just an idea. Has anyone thought of adding a second Inverter and Batteries just for the household fridge? I know it would be expensive but a smaller inverter/charger might help while on the road and boondocking. Just a thought. Herman
  21. Here we go. Coach Mfg. replacement head light assembly $820.13 each Head light assembly mfg. $289.00 each. Salvage yard 1993 BMW head light assembly $25.00 each (Condition may be as bad or worse then what I now have) 3M Head Light restoration Kit at Auto Zone $24.95 each. I will try the kit first. If that doesn't do what I would like then I will chack out the Salvage Yard. (I will look at more yards also). Last resort S Sterling Co. Will let you know. Herman
  22. buttons, I both agree and disagree with you. If you have insurance on you auto and RV you will most likely have towing. That I agree with you on. However on that night when your wide is out on the road and has a flat on her car she can call your roadside assistance and they will come out to change the tire bring her fuel or help unlock her car. When you are in your RV out between Rockspring and Cheynne, WY and have a flat you can get someone to come out and fix or replace your tire. We have had both Good Sams and Coach Net. Thankfully I have only had to the service, Coach Net, one time. However for the company to come out was so far away that I called Coach Net back and told them that it would be very hard for the service to come in less the 4 hours and that I would call someone in town. They said that would be fine and to send them the service call bill. They sent me a check by return mail. So you see there are good point to having extra coverage Good luck, Herman
  23. John, Welcome to the Forum. Please understand that there are so many other Benefits with FMCA. I liketo think of it as the name implys. "Family Motor Coach Association" putting the importance on "Family". We have gotten so much more out of FMCA then perks. We have made loving and dear friends from being members of seveal Chapters. There are so many times in our life that we have had to give up things just to get by and that is why FMCA has had to make some cuts. I myself would rather have the wonderful staff in Cincinnati keep their jobs and continue to give the membership the great service then to have one of the medical plans. So Please don't give up on FMCA. Hope you stay with FMCA and continue to have wonderful trips. Herman
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