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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Just a simple question what is the fuel level in the tank? Herman
  2. Pop call winegard. They have a kit you can purchase. A friend of mine just ordered one. Cost?, he didn't say. Herman
  3. Tarezzi, Welcome to the Forum or should I say the free Forum. If you just started to low power on take off but were able to get up to speed and the engine is just sluggest I would change your fuel filters. Dirty filters will cause the power to decrease and finally stop. When you remove the filters look closely to the top of the filter for foreign matter like gumand sludge. It is a cheap fix even if it doesn't help. It's like giving chicken soup to a dead man, "It may not help but it could't hurt." Herman (Joe got there while I was typing)
  4. My key fob unlocks both the door and the bays, as does the keypad. I to keep a spare key fob with keys in the truck. I also have a door lock on my key ring. Herman
  5. Mine is the same as yours Carl and Wayne. I will never use our deadbolt again. Bobbie used to lock the D/B while we drove down the road. We stopped for fuel and the D/B would not unlock. Took what I could off from the inside to no avail. I had to crawl out the window. Someone asked me how I got out. I said that you go out feet first until your belly stops you and just as you get your belly over the window ledge you are on your but on the ground. What I did was to pry back the door rubber molding and with a knife push to deadbolt back. On our coach the deadbolt is extended for extra length and the roll pin had broken. I fixed the D/B and never used it again. Herman
  6. eckerman, Welcome to the Forum. Are you speaking of your Dead Bolt? If you are talking about the dead bolt I am sure there is a push button make that will work. However check the length of the Bolt. Some are extended to allow the lock to be mounted a bit further from the edge. I was looking to maybe replace the touch pad on my coach and it was very expensive and I already had everything else. Herman
  7. Larry, as has been said Welcome to the Forum. Each Coach Manufacturer has a wiring diagram for every year, make and model. Sometimes there will also be different depending on the length of the vehicle. If you will look at several of the folks here you will see all the information on both their RV and their tow or pulling vehicle. Herman
  8. My Trace Inverter charges only my house batteries and not the chassis. My little $14.00 charger from Wally World is in its 4th year and still working strong. Herman
  9. If I were going to store my coach for the winter I would make sure my water system was drained, fuel tank full and fully charged (fluid level full) batteries are disconnected (both positive and negative). But since we go all year long I have a trickle charger mounted in my Battery compartment. It is plugged into my Block Heater outlet. The plug is only hot when plugged into shore power or the generator is running. When plugged in to shore power my inverter is keeping my house batteries and my trickle charger is mantining my chassis batteries. Since I have been using this method I have not had a low chassis battery. Herman
  10. As said Particle Board wont hold too long. I can't remember who mentioned it but If it were me , I would take off the old top, go to a Granite, Marble or Corian shop and have one made from some sort of hard surface material. It may cost a bit more but I am willing to bet the DW would love it. Most shops have lots of drops that they would like to dispose of. They have cutouts from sinks that the customer paid for and I am sure they would like to sell material that is already paid for. Herman
  11. Bill, it may be that you have to remove all staples that hold the one piece trim so you can replace the whole piece. That is what I would do rather then trying to do it from underneath. (I don't do too well looking up in confined spaces) Herman
  12. Could be either Formica or Wilson Art materiel. As Bill said big box stores like Lowe's, Home Depot or Minard's. Herman
  13. Most Gas absorption refrigerators have too little air flow to keep them working properly. Suggest you add one maybe two more cooling fans to the back of the unit. Herman
  14. Jim I looked but couldn't find my paperwork on my service call. Sorry. Herman
  15. I will start it off, We were on our way to the National Convention in Indianapolis and had engine issues. We limped into Joplin MO. and got to the Cummin Service Center. They ran a preliminary test and determined it was in the fuel system. (I had changed to filter just before we left home) They had 2 50 amp full hookups and we stayed the night. The next morning (Friday) they got it into the shop and found our Hi-Pressure pump was going out. They call around and found a pump in KC and that they would shave it ready for the new pump when it arrived that afternoon. It arrived around 4 pm and they finished the install at 1:45 am Saturday. Just as I paid the tech came in to say they found a leak. They said that they would stay the whole night to finish. I told them that I didn't need to be on the road til Monday afternoon so to go home for the weekend and we could start it up Monday morning. We had already planned on staying several days in Joplin since we were meeting friends there. They got the job done by mid day and we were on the road. What I didn't say was that their shop was loaded but since we were traveling on a schedule they worked us in. All of the service people and the tech couldn't have been better and helpful. I give them a 10! Herman
  16. Carl brought up a great point. We hear all of the horror stories about how bad this service, how we couldn't get exactly what we wanted when we wanted it. Well now let's hear the good stories. We had a great time at ***** RV park. The service was great when we had **** troubles here. We all have had a great RVing story, now it the time to share your good fortune with us all. Only good stories, bad stories will be taken off. Lets hear some!!!! Herman
  17. As Brett said, Welcome. It would also help to know what the issues is. Wont dump, just dumps one bag? And yes we need to know the coach manufacturer, year, size and is just a dump and jacks or air leveling. Let us know and we will try to assist. Herman
  18. Sorry Jim, I can't remember what the issue was. I will try and look up the paper work and will let you know. Herman
  19. Jim, I had mine repaired in the coach, however I had to pull the unit out of the recess and have it where the tech could get to both the front and back of the unit. I had the part replaced and only had to pay for the labor. If I remember correctly the labor was about $300.00. You might call Samsung (800-726-7864) and ask if there is a service center close to you that can do warranty work. (if your unit is under 5 years old) Good Luck, Herman
  20. If I am not wrong (sometimes I am not right) there are two types of systems. Pac Brake which is in the exhaust system and reduces the exhaust flow. And the Jake Brake is internal in the valve train. My Cummins 400 ISL has a Jake Brake. And then I may be off base. Herman
  21. We where at a Arkansas Travelers Rally in North Little Rock at the River Front RV Park. We were all sitting around visiting (where the first liar doesn't have a chance). There was a gentleman in a rented Class "C" leaving the park with his awning all the way out. We hollored, screamed and waved our arms. He paid us no mind and went right on out the very narrow entrance with two tall heavy fence post on either side. He didn't understand us as he was Asian and we don't think he understood english. He got out looked at the coach and awning, cut the awning off and tore off what was left of the supports, left them on the ground in the road in front of the office and then drove on out the gate. Nonetheless we couldn't stop laughing.🤣 Herman
  22. I would start with the inverter. Check that all connections are tight. I like to back off a bit then retighten then check to see if the inverter is charging correctly. It sounds to like your house batteries became low. Herman
  23. Rich & Mitzi From Tampa to Shreveport I can't give you much information on Parks but here goes from Shreveport. In Shreveport There is Diamond Jack Casino with a nice RV Park for $20.00/nite and you may get it for free if you get a players card. In Tyler, TX close to where you pick up Hwy 69 off I-20 there is a nice park on 69 south about 3 miles "Tyler Oaks" Just as you get into Oklahoma on I-35 there is the WinStar Casino with a really nice RV Park and 1 or 2 nights free if you get a players card. On up North of Wichita, KS in McPherson there is a nice park the "McPherson RV Ranch & Horse Motel". In Kearney, NE there is the Kearney RV Park. In Sidney Nebraska there is a Cabela's that has an RV Park with full hookups for (last I heard) $10.00 on a first come basis. They also have a free dry camping area. In Cheyenne Wyoming there is a nice KOA right on I-80 plus Warren Air Force has a RV Famcamp. In Rock Spring there is a nice (all gravel) KOA park. Then it north to Yellowstone. Have a ball. A bit of information about Military Bases and Famcamps: As of the first of the year, 2020, bases and Famcamp are open to all Retires, Active, DoD employees and Disabled veterans. In the past a vet had to be 100% disabled but the change has added any veteran with a "SERVICE CONNECTED" on their VA ID card are permitted to go on Base and use Famcamps. What a new and great Benefit. Herman
  24. Jerry, I looked in Southwest Harbor and found quite a few Park. One thing to look at is the date of the review. Some are as late as this summer while other are many years old. Herman
  25. jerrycheek, Welcome to the Forum. A good place to start looking might be on campgroundreview.com. There you can look at every state in the US. Herman
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