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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Like the illustration you linked to shows'. You absolutely need to isolate the house from the power grid. You also need to use the existing fuses to protect your circuits. Feeding power directly to some appliances and eliminating the circuit breakers could be a problem. I will say it again. You absolutely need to isolate the house from the power grid. The problem is when power is feed the wrong way during a outage the the low voltage is stepped up when it goes through the transformer that 10 volts may come out 100++ volts. As you can imagen this is dangerous to people trying to work on the system and restore power. Bill
  2. Don't know anything about the NSA Hercules tow bar. Can't say I have ever seen one in use. I would have noticed the big "T" handles. I have had good luck with Blue Ox and a Break Buddy I bought used before I had anything I could tow 4 down. If cost is a problem start looking on the used market. The only thing I won't re uses is the baseplate. You can get both Blue Ox and Roadmaster tow bars factory re built and certified. Bill
  3. Can you explain that to me? What does the tire placard in your RV call for? Bill
  4. Welcome to the forum. I don't know enough about the new tankless water heaters. I would try hear http://dev.fleetwoodrv.com/for-owners/support/technical-assistance. Fleetwood Rv Phone Numbers and Emails Toll-Free Number: (800) 509-3417 1420 Patterson Street, Decatur, IN, USA Parts, Service & Warranty Support: (800) 322-8216 Good luck and let us know what you find out. Bill
  5. Have you tried a new thermostat? What about a wetting agent in the coolant? How hot was it getting?
  6. Ross, I think it is a gas coach. Cleaning can't hurt. Bill
  7. Long time no see. Well it is good to see you are ok and on the forum. Hate to hear you are having problems. Have you been to NIRVC before? Let me know if you would like a suggested rout coming from the south. Bill
  8. Welcome to the forum. Yes it will. You could also look at upgrading your transmission cooler. Make shure there are no gaps that let the air go around the radiator stack rather than through it. Let us know with a update. Bill
  9. Welcome to the forum. Nice looking rig. Bill
  10. Ok well you might as well scratch glacier off your list unless you can get a reservation with Red Bus tours as you can't take your RV on the Going to the sun road. Contact all the N Parks and be shure you can get in and if you need a reservation. Bill
  11. Great have you made any reservations yet? What kind of toad do you have? Bill
  12. I know nor "original/authentic" but could you imagine open fires and rookies? Bill
  13. Drop the street view icon in the middle of the rv park. Bill
  14. Welcome to the forum. I don't understand some things hear. You have a Class "A" RV and you are renting a time share? You are driving a RV to a time share. What kind of toad do you have? Personally I cant and don't recommend anyone drive their RV into Yosemite. I have a hard time trying some place to park my CR-V. I have driven around a couple times trying to find someplace to pull my CR-V over in some of the view point pull offs. Bill
  15. You do realize this goes back to 2018. By the way that is a little longhorn. If you come to Fort Worth there is a guy who will take your picture on his longhorn that he rides. Bill
  16. I came across something fun while checking out a place to stay before going to Gillet. While looking at Cody Wyoming Trout Ranch I zoomed in and drooped the little orange man for a street view. Well you do it and tell me what you see. Drop it in the middle. Let me know what you see. Bill
  17. Mike, I want to welcome you to the forum. I have seen some of your projects and I am just a little jealous of all the toys you have in your shop. Bill
  18. Kay if you go to Enchanted Trails RV Park & Trading Post on rout 66 you can rent that trailer and spend the night in it. He has several vintage trailers for rent. He also has some period tow cars to go with them. http://www.enchantedtrails.com/ Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum. Double check that the battery temp sensor is installed and connected correctly. Bill
  20. Trust me we can help you spend your money faster than you would believe. Welcome to the forum. The first thing is to go weigh the coach with it loaded like you are leaving on a trip. Next set your tire air preshure. based on the load. Go on a few trips, I would do some local trips to help you get familiar with the coach and driving it. You should have most of the basics from your old camper. I agree with Kay keep a tablet and pen handy so you can wright down things you forgot. When you get home work the list. You don't want to be "that guy" who keeps borrowing the corkscrew to open your wine. Let us know how your first trip works out. Bill
  21. About the only thing with gas is to look at your Gas Buddy app to find who has the best price. Bill
  22. I think it is fun that all the stock footage is of older "vintage" campers and few shots of newer ones. Bill
  23. Hear is a interesting video. Tell me what you think.
  24. Don't understand what you are trying to say. The switch by door is not a circuit breaker so how is it kicking off? It would be very unusual to have the roof air routed through your Inverter. Bill
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